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العوامل المؤثرة على لون الدقيق

مرسل: الخميس يونيو 07, 2018 10:37 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
Flour is not just flour. Different qualities of flour are distinguished by color and the number of specks, among other things.

العوامل المؤثرة على لون الدقيق :-
The lightness or color of the flour is influenced by three factors:

1-Contamination of the endosperm through bran particles .
2-The natural pigment content that colors flour/semolina yellow.
3-The granulation.

Specks can be visible all the way through to the end product, as dark spots in pasta, for example. For consumers, these dark spots create a feeling of “low quality goods.” Therefore, for certain applications the following rule applies: The “whiter” the flour and the fewer specks it has, the higher its quality.