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بعض الانزيمات و المحسنات الخاصة واللازمة فى تجهيز الدقيق لصناعة البسكويتات

مرسل: الأربعاء مايو 30, 2018 6:01 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
بعض الانزيمات و المحسنات الخاصة واللازمة فى تجهيز الدقيق لصناعة البسكويتات ..... الخ
سؤال مهم
*Can I use flour with 12% protein for biscuits, crackers and wafers?*
Although flour with less than 10% protein is more suitable for many types of biscuits, crackers and wafers, good results can often be achieved with a higher protein content. If gluten is formed during processing it is important to ensure adequate dough softening; this can be done with reducing agents or enzymes. For wafers the protein has to be destroyed in order to prevent the formation of lumps. In this case a higher protein content results in products with a finer texture, less breakage and less water migration. It is only necessary to use starch to reduce the protein content if a very tender, melting structure is required.
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