Rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)

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عبد الرحمن الجارحي
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مشاركات: 478
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 04, 2018 1:00 am

Rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)

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Primary pest; grain feeder
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Laemophloeidae
Acronym: CFE

Adults are flat, small, shiny reddish brown beetles, about 2 mm in length and are as thick as 2 Canadian dimes.
Larvae are 1 to 4 mm in length, are white to yellowish white with a brown head and have a slightly darker last segment with 2 amber projections (urogomphi).
Similar species
Flat grain beetle (Cryptolestes pusillus)
Flour mill beetle (Cryptolestes turcicus)
Foreign grain beetle (Ahasverus advena)
Commodities affected
Wheat, barley, rye, triticale, oats, and occasionally milled products
Flax that has heated
Signs of infestation
Damage is not readily identifiable as being caused by this species.
High population may be associated with heating grain.
Both larvae and adults feed on germ and endosperm.
Heavy infestations may cause grain to heat and spoil.
Beetles may spread fungal spores through grain.
They are the main insect pest of farm-stored cereals in Western Canada.
How to control
Control grain insect pests
Geographic range
Is widely distributed throughout the world and across Canada
Where found
Is a common pest in cargo ships, railroad cars, farm stored grain, grain elevators
Is infrequently found in mills, warehouses and flour mills
Is one of the most common grain feeding insects found in grain stored on Canadian farms.
Life history
Each female is capable of laying 200 to 500 eggs, depositing them on or among grain kernels and debris.
Upon hatching, larvae seek out food preferring to feed on the germ of the kernel.
Reproduction slows considerably when the temperature is below 23°C.
Adults will not fly below 21°C.
Grain below 12% moisture content, or relative humidity below 40%, will restrict development.
Adults are unable to climb glass.
Rusty grain beetles have one of the highest rates of population growth for stored-product insects.
Rusty grain beetles are one of the most cold tolerant stored product insects.
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