food safety handbook

تطبيقات اشتراطات و متطلبات أمان وسلامة الغذاء Food Safety Management Systems safety , Hygiene , GMP , GHP , ISO22000 , FSSC , ....etc - النظافة الميكانيكية وتكنولوجيا التعقيم و التبخير و مكافحة الآفات - Mechanical Cleaning & Fumigation & Pest Control
آليات وطرق تنظيف المعدات و عمليات النظافة الميكانيكية وما يخص الاساليب التطبيقية و الوقائية فى تكنولوجيا التبخير و التعقيم و مكافحة الافات - التعقيم و التبخير و تكنولوجيا مكافحة الافات - Mechanical Cleaning of Machines & Fumigation & Pest Control Technology
أضف رد جديد
عبد الرحمن الجارحي
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مشاركات: 478
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 04, 2018 1:00 am

food safety handbook

مشاركة بواسطة عبد الرحمن الجارحي »

Definition of Food Safety ....................................................... 3
2. Characterization of Food Hazards ........................................ 11
3. Risk Analysis Frameworks for Chemical and Microbial
Hazards ................................................................................. 19
4. Dose-Response Modeling for Microbial Risk ........................ 47
5. Exposure Assessment of Microbial Food Hazards ............... 59
6. Exposure and Dose-Response Modeling for Food
Chemical Risk Assessment ................................................... 73
7. Economic Consequences of Foodborne Hazards ................. 89
Part 2. Food Hazards: Biological
8. Prevalence of Foodborne Pathogens .................................... 127
9. Physiology and Survival of Foodborne Pathogens in
Various Food Systems .......................................................... 137
10. Characteristics of Biological Hazards in Foods ..................... 157
11. Contemporary Monitoring Methods ....................................... 197
Part 3. Food Hazards: Chemical and Physical
12. Hazards from Natural Origins ................................................ 213
13. Chemical and Physical Hazards Produced during Food
Processing, Storage, and Preparation .................................. 233
14. Hazards Associated with Nutrient Fortification ...................... 265
15. Monitoring Chemical Hazards: Regulatory Information ......... 277
vi Contents
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
16. Hazards Resulting From Environmental, Industrial, and
Agricultural Contaminants ..................................................... 291
Part 4. Systems for Food Safety Surveillance and Risk
17. Implementation of FSIS Regulatory Programs for
Pathogen Reduction .............................................................. 325
18. Advances in Food Sanitation: Use of Intervention
Strategies .............................................................................. 337
19. Use of Surveillance Networks ............................................... 353
20. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) .................. 363
Part 5. Food Safety Operations in Food Processing,
Handling, and Distribution
21. Food Plant Sanitation ............................................................ 383
22. Food Safety Control Systems in Food Processing ................ 403
23. Food Safety and Innovative Food Packaging ....................... 411
24. Safe Handling of Fresh-Cut Produce and Salads ................. 425
25. Good Manufacturing Practices: Prerequisites for Food
Safety .................................................................................... 443
Part 6. Food Safety in Retail Foods
26. Commercial Food Service Establishments: The Principles
of Modern Food Hygiene ....................................................... 455
27. Institutional Food Service Operations ................................... 523
28. Food Service at Temporary Events and Casual Public
Gatherings ............................................................................. 549
Part 7. Diet, Health, and Food Safety
29. Medical Foods ....................................................................... 573
30. Food Fortification .................................................................. 607
31. Sports Nutrition ..................................................................... 627
32. Dietary Supplements ............................................................. 641
33. Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals .................................... 673
Contents vii
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Part 8. World-Wide Food Safety Issues
34. International Organization for Standardization ISO
9000 and Related Standards ................................................ 691
35. Impact of Food Safety on World Trade Issues ...................... 725
36. United States Import/Export Regulation and
Certification ........................................................................... 741
37. European Union Regulations with an Emphasis on
Genetically Modified Foods ................................................... 759
38. FAO/WHO Food Standards Program: Codex
Alimentarius .......................................................................... 793
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العودة إلى ”تطبيقات توكيد الجودة و متطلبات سلامة الغذاء Food Safety-Safe Food-“