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the falling number test اختبار رقم السقوط

مرسل: الأربعاء مايو 09, 2018 6:20 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
the falling number test
اختبار رقم السقوط
The falling number test is used to evaluate the amount of sprout damage in wheats. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme found in sprout-damaged wheat. If germination occurs there is a dramatic increase of this enzyme.

The falling number is the time in seconds for a stirrer to fall through a hot slurry of ground wheat. The greater the amount of alpha-amylase in the wheat, the thinner the gelationized starch paste and the faster the plunger will fall through the slurry.

A high falling number or the longer it takes the stirrer to fall indicates the wheat is sound and satisfactory for most baking processes.