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The Falling Number® Method طريقة عمل اختبار falling number او رقم السقوط ، احتياطات التجربة وتوصيات شركة برتن perten

مرسل: الخميس مايو 10, 2018 11:32 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
The Falling Number® Method
طريقة عمل اختبار falling number او رقم السقوط ، احتياطات التجربة وتوصيات شركة برتن perten
1. Sample Preparation
For grain a 300 gram sample is ground in a Laboratory Mill LM 3100 or LM 120 equipped with a 0.8 mm sieve. The large sample is to avoid sampling error. For flour a representative sample is taken.

2. Weighing
7.0 ± 0.05 g of whole meal or flour is weighed and put into a Viscometer tube. The flour amount should be moisture corrected by measuring the actual moisture content of the sample.

3. Dispensing
25 ± 0.2 ml of distilled water is added to the tube.

4. Shaking
Sample and water are mixed by vigorously shaking the tube to obtain a homogeneous suspension.

5. Stirring
The Viscometer tube with the stirrer inserted is put into the boiling water bath and the instrument is started. After 5 seconds the stirring begins automatically.

6. Measuring
The stirrer is automatically released in its top position after 60 (5 + 55) seconds and is allowed to fall down under its own weight.

7. The Falling Number
The total time in seconds from the start of the instrument until the stirrer has fallen a measured distance is registered by the instrument. This is the Falling Number.

فائدة اختبار رقم السقوط
The Falling Number® System measures the alpha-amylase enzyme activity in grains and flour to detect sprout damage, optimise flour enzyme activity and guarantee soundness of traded grain. Alpha-amylase activity is crucial for final product quality of bread, pasta, noodles and malt. Anyone handling wheat, barley, rye or sorghum intended for these applications will benefit from the Falling Number system.
