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كيفية قياس وتحديد ابعاد قواديس السواقى

مرسل: الثلاثاء يونيو 05, 2018 10:26 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
كيفية قياس وتحديد ابعاد قواديس السواقى
How do you properly measure the dimensions of a bucket?

كود: تحديد الكل

Buckets should be measured on the outside:

A - Length (also known as Width):
Using a straight line, measure the distance across the back of the bucket.
B - Projection: 
the most commonly mismeasured dimension. The easiest way to measure projection is from the bolt line in back of bucket to front lip. Be sure to allow for thickness of back of bucket.
C -Depth (height): 
Using a straight line down the side of the bucket, measure the top of the back to the bottom of the bucket.
D - Front Angle: 
Angle is measured from the horizontal, back up to the front of the bucket.