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كيف تنشأ شحنات الكهرباء الاستاتيكية فى مصانع الغلال والدقيق ؟

مرسل: الاثنين يونيو 25, 2018 9:49 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr
كيف تنشأ شحنات الكهرباء الاستاتيكية فى مصانع الغلال والدقيق ؟
ما هى اسباب تولد الشحنات الاستاتيكية فى مصانع الغلال والدقيق؟
how do flour/grain factories build up static electricity?


Good Question!
The flour mills or grain elevators build up static electric charges on the
individual grains of wheat dust. This occurs because the dust particles
are constantly moving and collide with each other. When this happens a bit
of electric charge is transferred from one particle to another. If the
process goes on long enough, you can have many kilovolts difference across
the grain container. This is enough to cause a static discharge just like
lightning and since grain/grain dust is flammable, a very powerful
explosion can follow.