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تكييف القمح و فائدته

مرسل: السبت مايو 05, 2018 8:59 pm
بواسطة Osama Badr

تكييف القمح و فائدته
Conditioning is the adjustment of the moisture level of the grain to facilitate maximum separation of bran from endosperm. For most milling systems, wheat is conditioned to approximately 16% moisture. An optimum toughness of bran and "mellowness" of endosperm is the goal. The bran should flatten into large flakes when passing between the break rolls in the milling process. If the wheat is too dry and brittle, the bran wilt be ground rather than flaked and will be difficult, if not impossible, to separate completely from the endosperm, resulting in a relatively dark flour with a high ash content. If the wheat is too wet, the endosperm will adhere to the bran, reducing the yield of flour.